Studies of the nature, and dreaming...

Two sheets of notes from a day out in the woods near Paris some time ago. I dreaming of a house somewhere to be able to work outside surrounded by nature more often and easier. I'm confident, I'll get it one day and I better don't wait until we have saved money enough because that will never happen in a country like France where every penny goes to the state. I guess that's how the country and even Europe keeps floating (for now). Some pay for the others. Why don't all countries have the same tax system for example. Why are some so much cheaper than others and at the same time income taxes are lower... Why have a union, without having rules ? I guess it's too complex, with all these countries that are different in so many ways, to govern them equally...


  1. Lovely studies and I agree with the sentiments too.

  2. Ay hija mía... crees que seríamos felices si todos fuésemos iguales? Conozco el sistema fiscal de Francia, lo he vivido en mi persona, pero aunque te quejes, es infinitamente más justo que el que hay en España.
    Tus estudios son preciosos. Me gusta mucho cómo pintas!

  3. Hola Helen. Me gustan mucho estos estudios y la nueva foto de portada. Estupenda !!!

    Feliz semana, Helen


  4. thank you Tom!

    Joshemari, me imagino que tienes razon, pero tambien quiero decir que entre los paises hay mucha differencia y aun asi quieren que seamos unidos en Europa. No veo como. Solo funcionara para no dejar paises enemigos invadirnos y asi guardar una superficie y un poder.

    Olga gracias, me alegro que te gusten!


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