Moleskine pages from the Louvre II...

As I hoped I could go back to the Louvre today as they were open late this evening.
Next time I might try my bigger Moleskine. Hoping it's paper is the same as in this one as I bought it some time ago. This smaller sketchbook is quite new and it appears to be easier to use watercolor on it's paper now, as the quality has changed. Before the water didn't adhere to it, it was like greasy and not very uniform all over. But now it's a little better without that problem. The watercolors stay on the surface a little and that usually suites me. Of course it's not a watercolor paper and it can be tricky at first, but you can get a glowy effect in the light thanks to it's cream color.


  1. you make the moleskine paper look fabulous with watercolors!

  2. Thanks Lynne! As I said something has changed with this paper. It was a nice surprise to paint on it again!


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