Tree studies for students...

Banana tree studies with students. Topic is trees in general, for me it seems so much easier to paint exotic trees than trees from the northern latitudes. :) I have observed banana trees in my life, walking to school and I loved their green colors in the many times more brownish landscapes in general of Spain. I do like those too today, but then I always longed for green. I longed for Swedish spring green and all the beauty of it, in company of grandparents. Today I long for most everything and everyone, the days after Christmas are the most grey of the year I believe, in spirit and environment (no snow here). A Christmas break is good but it's even better when you go into routine again beginning the year, with new hopes and projects. 


  1. wonderful! has Winslow Homer touches :) Happy New year !

  2. Thanks a lot Meera, that's quite a compliment!!


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