The execution of a studio drawing...

... well, I guess it's finished... Would Rembrandt agrée? I might have the same amount of whites as he had of darks... (he he)
... a little further... Still life drawing and study under execution...
I would say it's a little more than half the way to be finished.
(this image is for now cropped)


  1. It should be nice to see your finished drawing!

  2. Darks of whites, who cares, the result is important. And it looks very good, the small portrait of R. makes it exciting!

  3. Thank you! I agree that the portrait brings life into the scene. I feel like he's turning his head toward us. Maybe he will end up saying something or try to get out of that frame after all those years?... : )

  4. Can you make a "how to do" section for pencil shadow technic?


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