New subject for students...

A quick and sketchy start of execution for this weeks subject prepared for my students...

I didn't plan much here, and no previous drawing, as I lacked time yesterday. When painting the washes, I think of leaving the white out for the flowers. If I happen to crop those whites, by mistake, I try to react to that error to find a new solution. As long as this is possible it will give a nicer result than if trying to correct, clean or fuss with the pigments and paper. Too many corrections on one spot will be easily noticed, while you might not pay attention to a flower that isn't "accurate" compared to the reality.

I show the first washes on wet paper here, they're perfect to start with, as I would like a "loose feeling" during the execution and in the result. I start with wetting the paper and ad pigments to it, to get a diffuse first layer, while giving some shapes of the subject. After that it's easier to feel the subject already in place, and you ad layers of colors; mixing wet on wet and dry layers.
It's difficult to keep execution "easy" and loose if you lack experience, if you don't know the reactions of the paper or the pigments, and don't know how to judge the state of humidity of the paper and react to that. A lot of efforts and exercises are demanded, if you really want to understand how to use watercolor.
Understanding of what is going on when you paint and how to control what you do, while you are able to simplify what you see, takes time and a lot of studying and practicing.
I recommend my students to draw a lot! Because if you are wondering about what shapes you see at the same time that you concentrate on mixing colors, control pigments and water, while you above all; should interpret your emotions in front of your subject...  the task is too huge!
Drawing gives you a understanding of what you see, a more accurate view, and you become more creative. Without it you reduce your possibilities; it's a tool you should possess.
And later, after long time of practice, it's all about interpretation, expression, creation. The technical part should be a second nature!
I hope I'll get there one day. : )


  1. ¿Y dices que es rápido?, es una acuarela maravillosa, muy delicada.
    Me encanta.

  2. Pura delicadeza, una maravilla.

  3. Such a lovely painting. Painted with such delicacy. How nice to be able to draw with your brush!

  4. Really good advice about the drawing Helen. Thank you. Love the clarity and confidence of your painting.

  5. beautiful greens!! Very nice!

  6. Sergio, Alfredo, Polly, Laura, Pierre... Thank you all for your reactions here and for taking the time to stop by!
    I feel grateful!

  7. merci de nous dévoiler un peu de votre suis admirative de votre travail


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