Task for my students...

Last session of learning to use watercolor with my students, was focused on applying layers, "glaces", of primary colors as a back ground and on top of it paint the subject (this time a painting of Henry Rivière). I used more colors than the primary colors on top coats (+burnt sienna and raw umber) on which I stil used layers of glaces (dry on each other) but also wet on wet to get a little more texture.
The whole technic is a bit long to explain here, but the main issue for my students was to get the right notion of applying color on the paper without going back messing with the different brushstrokes,  and without adding too much water every time they make a brushstroke, ending up with a soaking wet paper. They have to try to get the confidence to "apply and let dry".
Many times it dries nicely even though we don't see it right the way, we have to give the pigment a chance to react on it's own, without touching what we just did every time.
Don't forget that the more we practice the more we get it "right", the less we need to modify what we just did.
I didn't reserve any whites on this one, but I used the light parts of the paper as if they could have been the white paper itself...


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