
Showing posts from 2016

Merry Christmas!...

Moleskine pages from the Louvre II...

Back to the Louvre...

Moleskine pages from the Louvre I...

"Bouture de framboisier"...

"Still life with apples and rowanberries"...

Work under progress...


Two still lives with flower cuts...

"White autumn flowers"...

"Roses in the morning II"

"Roses in the morning I"...

"White roses II"...

"Water in jar"...

"Green apple"...

Latest news...

"Apples in bag, on stripes"...

"White roses in Normandie"...

Skies above lagoon... (Mauritius)

A few pages in sketchbook... (Mauritius)

The lagoon, close to the rief...

Waves on the rief...

Vers le récif, (Mauritius)...

"Le Morne", (Mauritius)...

Sketches from Mauritius...

Skies, Mauritius...

"La pointe du Groin", Brittany...

Watercolors of the day...

Rose in Florence's garden...

Article in french magazine "Pratique des Arts"...