The execution of a studio drawing (2)...

I better stop... hope this is my last word!

Well, some hours of drawing later. I stop here for now. I feel like it's finished, but I'll will leave it a few days to see what I think then.
(a few hours later...)
I already see thing I want to modify, so I'll be back on it soon I guess...

Another studio drawing I had started a while ago and that I have worked on today. It's not finished, I will have to bring some more life and mouvement into it, don't know how exactly yet...


  1. Actually I never make such drawings, I mean drawings of "real things". But if I see studies as this one I get inspired. May be one day.....

  2. The portrait is inspired by a drawing of Leendert Van der Cooghen. I bought the reproduction at the exhibition about the Dutch golden age that took place in Paris not too long ago... Maybe that's why it seems to interest you?

  3. Yes, may be, the portrait seemed to me as very "Dutchy" !( I did not know, however, it was from the hand of Dutch painter)

  4. I really like the composition of this piece. The first thing that struck me was how my eye was drawn to the center of interest where the two apples overlap and how the eyes in the portrait also direct you there. If I were doing this I would concentrate on defining the edges in the center of interest so they are a bit more "hard-edge", keeping a softer edge on the shapes that move away from the center of interest. The cast shadow on the larger apple is a really wonderful combination of negative and positve values, maybe deepening those shadow tones more would start to really make this "pop". Nicely done so far, love it.

  5. Thank you, Michael, for your comment. I will think about what you are seeing and saying, while continuing. I was wondering myself finally, what the meaning about it all would be in this drawing, that just happend to come out like this without much thinking about the result...
    Right now, I guess I could "be" the little apple myself searching confort and warmth close to someone tender but strong, in this case this big apple. : )

  6. The apples look great Helen! I can't wait to see what you intend to make a modification to. The process of determining a point of being finished is sometimes the hardest part of the drawing isn't it? I've always thought that after letting it sit for a day or so and coming back with a fresh eye gives me one or two small adjustments then after working those I am finished. If I find the one or two adjustments just seem to lead me to others then I am in danger of overworking. Sometimes a small bit of "unfinished" works just as well.

  7. Michael, you're so completely right!!
    We should not start doubting or just adding without realy justifying our actions in our mind.


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