Watercolor sketch of the day...

A watercolor sketch to continue what I started last monday...
This watercolor is representing the atmosphere of the cafés in the "Jardin des Tuileries". It was a hot and sunny day today and quite a lot of people enjoying the peace that a park can offer. Also one of these days in Paris that could seem to be a perfect one in spring. This year we are spoiled with those, more than usual. But soon they will start alarming us about the drought in France and even Europe, so lets enjoy it as long it's "permitted".


  1. Kan förstå att det är skönt där nu, ger lust att måla. Sitta på café och studera..Var mkt i Paris i min ungdom och drömde om att bo, och vara kreativ konstnär där--nu lite för sent för mig tror jag..kul att se din fina konst...du är så duktig//Karina

  2. I remembered Renoir when I saw it. ;-)

  3. Thank you Karina, Juan and Skizo, nice to share it with you.


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