Watercolor figure sketches (6)...

These are 20 and 10 minute drawings. 
I have a hard time to get what I want! I hope it will come one day, with perseverance... 
Time control, colors, shadows and the values together with the proportion pigment/water, are all important... it all seems so complicated in my mind right now. I think I should try to solve one thing at a time. 


  1. Wow. I really love the direction you've taken with the watercolours.
    !, 4 and 6 are delightful!!! n.n

  2. Helen, enhorabuena por los trabajos y la reflexión!

  3. And you solve it very well. All are marvellous.

  4. Helen
    Preciosa libertad con las figuras!

  5. Thanks everybody! I can go crazy sometimes, but your words help to continue.

    Laurent, you know what?! At la Grande Chaumière they have a new session week-days from 12h15 to 15h with short and maximum 20 minute poses!! A delight, I feel the energy it produces already. They could do something about the light still though,... maybe soon. The usual session is from 15h15 to 18h. So, now you know, even if I doubt you'll have time to come nowadays. Good luck with work!

  6. Oh mais, quoi qu'on en dise, il y a énormément de maîtrise dans cette série… Et en même temps du relâchement et beaucoup d'énergie. Peut-être même une certaine violence dans le premier, me semble-t-il (je dois trop lire de polars…). Une sacrée richesse en tout cas !

  7. Muy sueltas y muy bien pintadas.

  8. Buenos colores para esas formas rápidas

  9. The number one is my favorite...


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