My Moleskine today… (22)

This morning I decided to continue my drawing sessions in the café to get into the habit to draw anywhere and anything again... it also gives me some kind of new inspirations drawing people I was loosing in the nude drawing sessions lately. But I know it's quite easy to get it back this way, so I'll see what comes out my effort *. I should call this another "Good habit".

* Drawing isn't an effort, but changing or adopting new habits might be. 


  1. Great, Helen!
    I'd love improving my drawing skills with people.............
    How could I do it? (apart of practicing, of course :)

  2. I enjoy looking at the progression of your drawings, especially your sketches from life. You've quite a talent to be able to capture a moment of time in a persons life considering they are not sitting for you as in a life drawing session. Always want to see more!

  3. Thank you "girls" and Michael!
    Whats really good with these exercises of drawing people around you is that you're in a real hurry to get down what interested you of that person. It obliges you to look focused and trying to get what you see like captured in a snapshot and then draw, trying to remember what you saw just as the the feeling of it. If you didn't look in the right way you'll see that you won't be able to draw much and you will have to take another look, but then the person might have moved.
    Here on this double page there is a lost nose, alone, (on the right page) as the person left, he he.

  4. Helen
    el dibujar intentando "atrapar rápidamente" es un gran ejercicio, tan bueno o mejor que las poses estáticas, hay que concentrarse absolutamente para de una mirada sintetizar lo importante, y nos obliga a dejar a un lado los detalles superfluos, creo que es una "muy buena costumbre", a mi me gusta especialmente este tipo de dibujo!
    Un abrazo!!!!

  5. Si, Juan Carlos, asi es como dibujar resulta lo mas "excitante", ja ja ja. Finalmente la urgencia que molesta tanto al principio ya se disfruta cuando uno comprende como dibujar rapidamente.
    Y el proximo ejercicio sera aplicarlo cuando se executa un dibujo con mas tiempo. : )

  6. Helen
    Siiiiii!!!!! así es.
    Entiendo el dibujo de esta manera unos trazos más lentos porque lo requieren... otros veloces porque has comprendido la forma rápidamente, así se cargan de emoción en los trazos, ellos los trazos nos hablan del dibujante !!!! :)

    Por cierto , encontré en Paris un excelente catálogo de paisajes de Egon schiele, impresionante, trazos expresivos como sus cuerpos, genial.

  7. Muy buena definicion, Juan Carlos.
    Y que catalogo es ese, el de Shiele?? Me peudes dar el titulo para que lo mire si lo encouentro?
    Hasta luego! je je


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