Figures drawing sessions...

I didn't show many figure drawings from this year but here are a few from one of the last sessions. 
Progress was slow, if any progress all. Most of the times my mind was too busy, concentration bad and without knowing how to draw... as my way of drawing is "out of fashion" in some persons points of view. Nevertheless I'm convinced that for me there is no other way to draw than this. I mean my starting point next year will be this one, and I'll have to develop from this point while staying truthful to myself. 
What point would there be in trying to draw like someone else? I prefer to listen to myself and do the best I can and only hoping it will get better than this. My biggest issue will be to find the right and inspiring place to draw, with or with teacher. 

(Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, by the way these are all drawn on paper size 42cm x 60cm, and poses are 10 minutes.)


  1. E fai benissimo, cara Helen, a continuare per la tua strada, anche perchè i tuoi disegni sono molto belli, espressivi, intensi. Quindi buon lavoro e fatti rivedere presto. Ciao, buon fine settimana e buon mese di luglio. Luigi.

  2. I am not an expert, so I can't tell whether or not your way of drawing is out of fashion. But I think your drawings are wonderful.

  3. These are lovely, sensitive drawings.

  4. Jag håller med övriga talare. Riktigt bra teckningar.

  5. beautiful life dwg ... wonderful expressive lines in the top one helen .

  6. Helen!
    Yo veo una gran diferencia en estos dibujos a otros anteriores, tal vez el propio artista el que los crea , no lo ve tan claro... pero cuando actuamos de espectadores de las obras de otros artistas la visión es más clara, tienes un gran punto de partida en estos dibujos para continuar avanzando en tu busqueda,veo líneas decididas y otras no tanto ,en esas precisamente en las no decididas tienes la emoción , esa es la verdad de un dibujo , la duda y la comprensión en el momento de dibujar del natural crean la propia visión personal,
    Un fuerte abrazo Helen!!!


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