My Moleskine today (36)…

I got another chance to return to the museum today, Musée d'Orsay, this time. With my member card it's so easy to get in and it makes a short visit possible without loosing time waiting in the line. 
So, another chance to try my sanguine Copic Multiliner out. I should have several of those in different sizes, because as I want to get darker zones it's not very nice when there are too many layers of fine lines, so I better go for a thicker nib. Otherwise it was a little complicated to get concentrated on drawing today, as I felt a little too exited since this morning... My daughter got a wonderful good news for her next years studies in the US, she's admitted where she applied to study what she wants! Who could ask for more at the age of 19? She will study art and photography in one of the best universities of the Unites States! At least as she's going to learn difficult stuff she'll be in good hands while doing so! The destiny and her strong will are going to have to do the rest. I just had to share this happy feeling I got inside! 


  1. Congratulations to your daughter first of all! That's wonderful news for her! And secondly, your sepia drawings are really great. If I EVER get the chance to visit Europe I am going to look you up and we'll have to hit the museums with our sketchbooks, that would be a blast!

  2. Yeeaaaah! Super happy for her and for all the family! Aww, what a proud Mum you are :)
    J'espere que vous allez passer des bonnes vacances!
    A très bientôt

  3. Te felicito Helen, por lo de tu hija!! Es de las mejores noticias que unos padres pueden recibir. Me hace feliz, solo pensar en lo contenta que debes estar!!!!!
    Si, he estado 8 o 9 veces en Paris y cada vez, he visitado el museo d'Orsay ahora. Antes no me acuerdo donde estaba la pintura impresionista, pero creo recordar que la primera vez debió ser en el museo de l'Ouvre (1967) luego en otro y ahora donde tu vas. Me entusiasma. Qué suerte tienes!
    Bonitos dibujos.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Many Congrats for your baby girl!!
    Thats fantastic news!! Im sure she will have an amazing time!! What a fantastic opportunity for her!!
    All the best!!
    Like always, im really admiring your work!!
    Keep up the great stuff!!
    Bye for now!

  5. The place was the Jeu de Paume.

  6. I'm on vacation right nos, without easy connexion to internet, but here I thank everybody for kind words and for sharing the joy with me and my daughter, Chloe.

  7. Congratulations to both of you. for studies and these great drawings.
    I'm like you with not very good connections to the net.

  8. Yeah! congrats for the good news,
    and I love this sketch, all of your works in fact!
    keep up em, ;)

  9. Enhorabuena!

    Los genes y la influencia de su madre le auguran un futuro prometedor!

  10. Félicitations pour la réussite de ta fille ! Je lui souhaite une année pleine de joies, de découvertes et de réussite.
    Très sympa la couleur que tu utilises, ça adoucit le dessin et lui donne beaucoup de charme.

  11. De vuelta estoy de vacaciones...

    Gracias, Maria Antonia, por compartir nuestra felicidad.

    Mim, I appreciate your interest in my work and thanks for your words.

    Eduardo, que roja me pongo! Si mi es influencia mia no es con proposito, he he. No la ofrezco mucho aparte la nocion de "este mundo" que es el mio, y que es como una ventana de otro mundo infinito. Espero lo mejor para ella, que sea trabajadora mas fuerte que yo en mucho.

    Ghislaine, merci pour tes mots, j'espère aussi que l'année a venir sera constructive et palpitante pour ma fille. Te concernant j'espère que pour toi ta tes projets de travail prennent forme.


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