Took my son to the zoo this afternoon, he agreed that I could draw a little so I promised to be quick for each drawing. This is all I could manage to do before he started making desperate noises beside me. It was fun and I'm not used to draw animals so I'll try to do it again some time. We had a good time and before leaving the "Jardin des Plantes", where the zoo is, we sat down on a bench. The same bench I sat on last year, and I then drew this seasons pinecones on the same branch as last time. The funny thing was that it was my son who picked the bench among a hundred of them. I couldn't resist the temptation to draw them again...
Tes animaux sont super - je suis content que tu as vu le panda rouge aussi! Il est trop cool.... mais il dort la plupart de le temps :D
Il est trop cool le panda rouge, j'adore son attitude quand il dort justement. Il faut que je retourne dessiner au Zoo. Là avec Alix, pas facile en plus des mouvements des animaux et après la fermeture du zoo tout était fait à la va vite.